Submissions are open for the Kofi Awoonor POETRY PRIZE for writers worldwide. The deadline is August 8, 11:59 PM (your local time), 2024.
Othuke Umukoro will judge this inaugural prize. 

Submission Guidelines: 

1. ONE unpublished poem per submission. Please no multiple submissions by the same writer. 
2. Please do not submit any poem that has previously appeared in a chapbook, an anthology, a full-length collection, social media or any literary magazine. 
3. The submitted poem should not exceed 50 lines. Epigraphs and the poem's title are not part of the line count. 
4. Submissions must not include identifying information; please do not include your name or biographical information in your submission document. Please send your submission as a PDF or Word doc. Include the following ONLY in the body of the email: Name, Phone number, Email and Country of Residence. Please send your submission as a PDF or Word doc attachment to: kofiawoonorpoetryprize@gmail.com 
5. Any submission that does not follow these guidelines or is received after the deadline will be discarded unread. 
6. Close friends, family members, and recent students of the judge are not eligible for this prize.
7. No entry fee is required. 
8. Please, no simultaneous submissions. 
9. The administrators of Pepper Coast Lit will collate the submissions and forward them to the judge, who will read ALL submissions anonymously. 
10. The judge’s decision is final. 
11. The winner will receive $100 plus publication in Pepper Coast Lit.
12. The finalists will be announced in September, and the winner will be announced in October 2024.

If you have any questions, please email us. Thank you. Good luck, and we can’t wait to receive your submission.    


Abu Sherif II Poetry Fellowship